Big Black to re-unite for Touch and Go Records 25th Anniversary!
THE ORGANIZERS OF Touch and Go’s 25th anniversary party in September have already booked 24 of the festival’s 25 featured performers, including Black Heart Procession, Calexico, Arcwelder, the Ex, and reunited acts like Girls Against Boys, Scratch Acid, and the Didjits. Rumors have been proliferating about who’ll fill the 25th slot, and though it definitely won’t be Big Black, the band will make a brief appearance. Steve Albini confirms that he’ll reunite with bassist Jeff Pezzati, guitarist Santiago Durango, and their trusty drum machine for a handful of songs.
Albini’s tour schedule with Shellac, who are also performing at the fest, is making it impossible for Big Black to rehearse a full set. “We would like to get our shit together to play a couple songs as a thank-you to Touch and Go,” he says, “but I would hate it if people spent a ton of money and made a special trip expecting a full Big Black show.” No further Big Black engagements are planned, contrary to Internet chatter. “We’ve already been approached by promoters about doing reunion shows,” Albini says, “but that is definitely not going to happen.”
One of the other big rumors has been about the Jesus Lizard. Half the group—bassist David Sims and front man David Yow—will already be at the fest playing in Scratch Acid. They’re currently in contact with guitarist Duane Denison, but drummer Mac McNeilly hasn’t been in touch with his old bandmates since 1998.
Billions Corporation founder David “Boche” Viecelli, who managed the Jesus Lizard and is handling the Scratch Acid reunion, confirms that the idea of getting the band back together has been discussed. “But the only way anybody would consider it—and I think it’s incredibly unlikely—is if Mac were doing it,” he says. “The guys haven’t talked to Mac in eight years, and there are no ongoing conversations that I’m aware of. So I would say the possibility is unbelievably remote.”
Jesus Lizard diehards can still hope something changes before September— the goodwill surrounding the Touch and Go celebration has already facilitated a couple reunions that once seemed impossible. “It’s kind of amazing what’s happening with this anniversary,” says Albini. “People are doing the sort of stuff that would never happen for any other reason.”
Although the lack of Dave Riley is pretty strange (he had a seizure, and Santiago and Albini couldn't help but mention what a fuck-up he seemed to be in Our Band Could Be Your Life), I'm stoked that my friends will see this.
And you know I'm getting the bootleg. You know it.