Wednesday, June 04, 2008

"Fuck you Kyushu, and your fucking ridiculously limited weed intake!"

I had another 30 minutes at the internet cafe.

Just felt like saying that.

Anyway, I should sit down and write the articles for the various websites that are up on me to do me and say more for them. Seeing as how I`m a `z list` celebrity to some...

By the way, you know how many hits happened from that Albini/Gallo thing? Enough for me to think that some of you guys need to start doing more pushups and getting out the crib more often.

(This is coming from a guy running an internet-based business, btw.)

Anyway, nerd links..., the only pop culture Japan travel company goodly enough to sort-of employ me. Isaac is gearing up for the September tour. Stop by and see Japan., run by my former wife(!) and a crack team of specialists, this site provides updated info on happenings in and around Akihabara in Tokyo. It`s like Akibablog, but with less Engrish. Or more, depending.

(!) = Just kidding. I am married to UCC coffee and distance running. I seriously wanted to see if anybody googled this and proceeded to defecate upon themselves.


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